+1 (786) 380-1374|ppaaj@comcast.net

Visit to Moca, October 2020

With the world changing rapidly, the ProJecto Team continues to do His work despite troubled times.  We paid a visit to the Dominican Republic in October and we’re happy to report positive results.  The new school year had recently commenced and by the Grace of God there were no reported cases of COVID-19 among the children in Los Aguacates Village.  Pastor Sino, one of our newest team members, assisted us by providing spiritual uplifting to village residents.  We are truly blessed to have him.  At Maria Auxiliadora Nursing Home we were able to bring clothes, walkers and medical supplies for the elderly residents.  ProJecto secured 68 bags of food to distribute to the area’s needy residents.  Clothing donations were made as well, and with the holidays approaching, we left an assortment of toys for the children.   We’re pleased to tell you that our newest endeavor, Church Esperanza, located in the City of Moca, is nearly completed.  This is the third church we have helped to build and nourish in the city.  When finished, worshippers will be able to attend services indoors for the first time.  All in all, we considered our journey to be a success and we are mindful that none of this would be possible without the continued support of YOU, our partners.  Please keep ProJecto in your prayers and we will do the same for your continued well being and good health. 
